Listen to a few of our samples and imagine what amazing Messages On-Hold could do for your business.
Do you always talk to your callers about your promotions and add-ons? Messages On-Hold does. It's like having the perfect (and cheapest) sales assistant around.
Silence means a loss in sales. Don't let your callers think you hung up on them because you didn't have anything playing when you put them on hold.
Our expert staff can help you write messages that not only fit your brand, but are informative and catchy! Check out some of our examples below.
Preventive maintenance is the best protection against costly repairs and helps prolong the life of your vehicle. Don't get caught out on the road with your hood up: make a service appointment today!
Making a service appointment today can save you money tomorrow! Preventive maintenance not only keeps you vehicle running smooth but can also catch major issues before they put you onto the side of the road with an empty wallet.
Callahan Auto. is stocked with all the parts and accessories you need for that do-it-yourself project this weekend. No need to rush over after work, we're open on Saturdays!
Need Parts? At Callahan Auto, we’ve got parts and then some! And don’t worry if you need that last second part for your weekend project, come on in and see us on Saturday!
At Callahan Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram we have a complete Chrysler built lineup of vehicles at one convenient location. We also have a large selection of quality used vehicles to choose from at competitive prices.
New or used at Callahan Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram, The customer is King and we’ve got the selection to match! All that and more at great competitive prices.
Our voicers speak for themselves. :) With years of experience in radio advertising, their vocal delivery is top notch and consistent. Here are some of our staff voicers for you to check out.
Still deciding? That's cool. If you understand how marketing works, then you'll appreciate the value our service adds to your business. Our team works with you to create the best music on-hold experience for your callers, at a cost that doesn't make you think twice.
Our service is designed to be flexible for your business. If you don't already fit into one of our options, we'll work out a price, just for you.
Per Month
250 Words
Produced with Music
Jingle Compatible
Per Month
400 Words
Produced with Music
Jingle Compatible
To help us determine your complete needs, we have to speak with you before you sign up. This ensures a smooth experience with our service, and gets you aquainted with our team. We look forward to hearing from you!
Need help writing your messages? No problem! Speak with us before signing up and we'll give you an estimate. Creative services are charged on an as-needed basis.